Sexual Assault / Abuse / Photos / Filming can give rise to criminal prosecution, but can sexual assault/abuse victims seek justice in the civil court system? The answer is YES.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Besides the predator, is there an additional party responsible?
- Were you assaulted at school?
- Were you assaulted at work?
- Were you assaulted at an institution? (church, doctors office etc.)
If yes, ask the following questions:
- Should the predator have been hired in the first place?
- Did the assault take place in a location/situation that should have been safe?
Predators place themselves in situations (Clergy, Youth leaders, Medical Professionals) that allow them access to their victims. Predators prefer to attack the most vulnerable victims. (Children, Disabled, elderly) but many predators do not discriminate. In many cases the employer, school, or institution could have prevented the assault from occurring, but simply failed to protect the victim from the predator even though there were policies in place to protect the victim. You can proceed with a civil suit even if the predator escaped criminal prosecution.
Kevin Golden is currently pursuing a case on behalf of a minor abused by a priest. Mr. Golden also represents north suburban teachers who were filmed in the bathroom. If you have been a victim of sexual assault/abuse/photos or filming, please contact Dudley & Lake LLC.
Sexual Abuse / Assault / Photos / Filming Results
$1.75 Million Settlement for Minor Abuse at a Chicagoland Church
Kevin Golden settled a case against a Chicagoland church where a volunteer sexually abused an eight-year-old boy with special needs at the church.
$1.6 Million Settlement for Minor Sexual Assault Case
Kevin Golden recently settled a case for $1.6 million involving four minor female disabled plaintiffs who were attending high school and had been placed in a Special Education program. Between 2004 and 2005, the four plaintiffs were sexually assaulted by two male students at school. The Plaintiffs allege that the school failed to properly supervise and monitor the special education students. The school denied liability. One of the student offenders was criminally charged and is presently in the penitentiary.
$850,000 Settlement For Former Nun Who Was Sexually Assaulted When She Joined the Convent
Kevin J Golden settled a case for $850,000 for a nun who was sexually assaulted twice by a superior nun when she joined the convent at the age of 18. The plaintiff went on to become a nun and practice for 11 years before leaving the convent.